The Hijrah Trek 2025
following the footsteps of the prophet(pbuh)
3rd - 16th Nov 2025
Makkah to Madinah Hijrah Route Challenge
Embark on an extraordinary journey following the Hijrah route once traversed by the greatest man to have ever lived, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This spiritually enriching and physically demanding challenge aims to replicate the Hijrah journey as closely as possible. With the guidance of knowledgeable sheikhs and local experts, we will trek through the desert, camp under the stars, and reflect on the experiences of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions.
Combining the essence of history, spirituality, and fitness, this challenge seeks to inspire Muslims worldwide to embrace a healthier lifestyle while spreading the message of peace and unity.
Key Features of the Journey:
- Experience the desert: Part of the trek will be done using camels to emulate the original journey.
- Support team: A local crew will assist with 4×4 vehicles, cooking, and camp setup.
- Spiritual immersion: The journey will include prayers, reflections, and guidance from our esteemed sheikhs.
Journey Itinerary
- Day 1: Perform Umrah
- Day 2: Ziyarat of historical sites in Makkah
- Day 3: Begin the trek
Trekking and Camping
- Day 4–11: Trek through the desert, camp under the stars, and reflect on the resilience and faith of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions.
- Day 12: Arrive in Madinah and check into the hotel
- Day 13: Ziyarat of historical and spiritual landmarks in Madinah
- Day 14: Depart for the UK
The first team from UK to walk the Hijrah route from Makkah to Madinah, covering 550 km in 16 days, to follow the route that our beloved Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) took when he made Hijrah over 1400 years ago.
We came up with the idea to walk in his footsteps for not only spiritual reasons but one that would encourage Muslims to lead a healthy lifestyle and hopefully convey to the world Islam’s universal message of peace.
Embark on an extraordinary journey following the Hijrah route once traversed by the greatest man to have ever lived, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This spiritually enriching and physically demanding challenge aims to replicate the Hijrah journey as closely as possible. With the guidance of knowledgeable sheikhs and local experts, we will trek through the desert, camp under the stars, and reflect on the experiences of the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions.
Combining the essence of history, spirituality, and fitness, this challenge seeks to inspire Muslims worldwide to embrace a healthier lifestyle while spreading the message of peace and unity.
We hope to start from Makkah and follow the Hijrah route. We aim to complete the challenge under two weeks with the help of our local guide and knowledgeable sheikhs. We will be camping in the desert to somewhat experience the feelings and reflections the Prophet (SAW) and his companions had.
The trek will be one of the most challenging elements but also rewarding. We hope to replicate the journey as much as possible and also use camels for part of the journey. We will be identifying landmarks and locations of where verses of the Qur’an were revealed.
We will have 4×4 vehicles for support and a local team to take care of cooking and setting up our tents at the end of each day’s journey.
By amalgamating the challenge with a spiritual and historical flavour, we can inspire Muslims around the world to take up sports and fitness and spread the message of peace and unity.
During our journey, we were inspired by the dedication and passion of individuals who have meticulously studied this sacred path. Two such individuals we were fortunate to meet was Dr. Abdullah Kadi and Shiekh Abdul Hafedh.
Abdullah Al-Kadi the author of The Book Makkah To Madinah – A Photographic Journey Of The Hijrah Route He spent several years of research driven by the simple desire to determine as precisely as possible the exact route of the Hijrah. In the course of this study, he has conducted dozens of field expeditions, collecting data, recording GPS coordinates, identifying landmarks, calculating distances, and covering as much as possible the entire route by foot. He has also examined every available resource from Hadith and Seerah literature and narrations, to historical documents, maps from the eighteenth century through the present, as well as conducting extensive interviews with local residents to glean information handed down through generations. After analysing, synthesizing, and cross-checking the information from this research he determined as precisely as possible the exact route of the Prophet s (SAW) Hijrah.
If you are interested in sponsoring this challenge, please contact email us on to discuss sponsorship packages.
How can I follow this journey?
Makkah and Medina (Hijrah)
The travellers passed through the valley of al-ghawla travelling alongside the lava tract of naqra, east of the caravan trade route. The path within this lava tract links the valley of ghuran with the valley of al-ghawla.
The emigres continued to travel north, with moint al-akhal looming in the west as they trekked through the valley of uwayja with the lava tract of uwayja defining the valley all along its eastern edge.
With the lava tract of uwayja behind them the prophet and his companions journeyed west of mount jumdan and the area of the west of the valley and village of amj towards the tents of umm ma’bad
It has been recounted by abu hurayrah that the prophet mentioned mount jumdan as he passed just to the east of this mountain on one of his journeys from Madinah to Makkah after the hijrah. Abu hurayrah relates that the prophet said “keep going…this is jumdan who has surpassed the al-mufridoun” one of the companions asked “who are the al-mufridoun?” the prophet replied “those men and women who remember god often”
The journey continued in the area west of the valley and corresponding village of amj.
As the group headed towards the tents of umm ma’bad, they skirted the lava tract of al-bakkawiyyah, also known as al-khulaysah from its west side.
In all known accounts of the prophets Hijrah, the story of the prophets visits to the tents of umm ma’bad al-khuzaiyyah on the western edge of the valley of qudayd is mentioned. It was here that umm ma,bad welcomed the travellers and invited them to rest. since there had been a drought, umm ma’bad had little milk from her animals and she was unable to offer the travellers milk as she was accustomed to doing. The prophet gently touched the emaciated goat while reciting the name of God and miraculously there was plenty of milk. This encounter with the prophet left such an impact on umm ma,bad that her description of the prophet’s physical attributes and manners as one of the most detailed accounts that exist. She described the prophet as “ a man of evident cleanliness fine in character his face handsome slim in form his head not to small elegant and good-looking, his eyes large and black, his brows high and arched, his neck long and beard thick. He gave an impression of dignity when silent and of high intelligence when he talked. His logic was impressive, he was decisive, not trivial, nor trite, his words flowing forth like a perfect string of pearls. He seemed the most splendid and fine looking man from a distance and the very best of all from close by. He was medium in height, the eye not finding him too tall nor too short. He has companions who surround him. If he speaks, they listen to him, and if he commands, they hasten to fulfil his command. He is well served and attended, though he is neither stern nor argumentative.”
Once the prophet and his companions had rested of the tents of umm ma’bad they approached the valley of qudayd, a 150km valley which stretches all the way to the red sea. The northern part of this valley is bordered by the lava tract of al-mushallal.
They proceeded along the western edge of al-mushallal lava tract, which was also the well travelled caravan trade route between Yemen and Damascus.
After the travellers left the lava tract of al-mushallal, they entered the valley of dawran, followed by the valley of khulayyah. In this valley one of the more gripping incidents of the hijrah took place in the afternoon of the 13th of September. The Quraysh had offered an immense reward of one hundred camels to whoever could capture the prophet. It was here in the value of kulayyah where the qurayshi tracker, suraqah bin malik, almost succeeded, but the legs of his horse miraculously sank deep into the sand and he was stopped.
As the group headed eastwards through the valley of al-kharrar and went along the al-azwariyyah lava tract they passed al-juhfah, a stop on the caravan trade route.
This was the area the prophet travelled through back to Makkah and surah al-qassas was revealed as the prophet was missing medina.
Today all that remains of al-juhfah is the majestic black basalt ruins known as the palace of alya built by the Abbasids. It is also the miqat or location where pilgrims coming from Syria or Egypt enter into the state of ihram for hajj and umrah.
In 630 CE or 8 AH as the prophet ﷺ was leading an army of ten thousand men on their way to Makkah he met his uncle abu abbas and his family migrating to medina and instead of carrying on they joined the prophet towards Makkah
Day three
On Wednesday September 14th the 3rd of rabbil al-awal they travelled through the valley of al-kharrar and passed one of the more well known landmarks along the hijrah route known as khum creek.
Join us on this unforgettable journey to connect with our faith, embrace history, and challenge ourselves both spiritually and physically.
If you are interested in sponsoring this challenge, please contact email us on to discuss sponsorship packages.
How can I follow this journey?
The Hijrah Trek 2025 (Please register your interest)
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